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Effect of Dietary Cation-Anion Difference on Milk Composition and Blood Mineral Status of Peripartum
The aim of this study was to see how a diet designed to provide prepartum (DCAD= -749.16 mEq/head/day) and postpartum (DCAD = 1473.56...
Safety Evaluation of Fermotein: Allergenicity, Mycotoxin Production, Biochemical Analyses
Aim: Single-cell proteins (SCPs) are considered as innovative and sustainable alternatives to animal-based products. Fermotein is an...
Use of Origanum vulgare Essential Oil as an Antibacterial Additive in the Preservation of Minced Mea
The essential oil extracted by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts of Origanum vulgare L. harvested in the Skikda region (North-East...
Effects of Herbal Medicine Use on Adherence to Conventional Anticancer Drugs
Background: Herbal medicines are often used in conjunction with traditional anticancer medications for cancer patients. This may lead to...
Clinical Presentation and Mortality of Women Presented with Puerperal Sepsis at Tertiary Care
Objective:To determine the clinical presentation and mortality of women presented with puerperal sepsis at tertiary care Hospital....
Infertility and Depression: Frequency of Depression in Infertile Males
Background: There is a growing body of evidence that depression is linked to infertility. The aim of this study was to look into the...
Antibiotic Sensitivity Patterns and Plasmid Profile of Bacteria Isolated from Some Swimming Pools
The aim of this study was to determine the antibiotic susceptibility profile of bacteria isolated from pools in Akure, Nigeria. Between...
Constraints Faced by Guava Growers in Adoption of Guava Production Technology and Suggestions
Guava grown in a variety of agro-climatic conditions is subjected to biotic and abiotic stress, which limits guava production and...
Farmers’ Problems Associated with Cultivation of Sunflower: A Case Study of Barguna District
Farmers benefit from sunflower production, but in the coastal region of Bangladesh, sunflower is a new crop for the Rabi season. The aim...
An on Farm Trail and Front Line Demonstration on Management of Pod Borer Complex in Pigeon Pea |...
The research included erecting pheromone traps for tracking Helicoverpa armigera @ 4/ac to control the pod borer complex in redgram,...
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