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Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Cow Mastitis among Small Scale Farmers and Dairy Farms in

A cross sectional study was carried out from November 2017 to June 2018 to assess awareness status and management practice common among dairy cows owners and to determine the prevalence of bovine mastitis and its associated risk factors in four districts and nine kebelles of Western Zone of Tigray Regional State, North West Ethiopia. In this study, out of the 355 dairy cows and 1314 functional quarters examined, 99(27.89%) cows and 142(10.81%) quarters were found positive for sub-clinical mastitis on California Mastitis Test (CMT). In addition, from the 355 dairy cows and 1420 quarters examined, 88(24.79%) and 108(7.61%) cows and teats respectively, were found to be blind. From the total risk factors considered, statistically significant association (P<0.05) was found in different breed, udder type and parity. Semi structured questionnaires surveys were distributed to 87(95.60%) males and 4(4.40%) females. According to the survey result, 76(83.52%) of the dairy cow owners housed their cows in open area with muddy or soily floor type. From the total 91 interviewed 32(35.16%) regularly dispose dung and cleaning of house. During the survey, udder management before and after milking was assessed. According to the response of 89(97.80%) milkers washed their hands prior to milking and 2(2.20%) did not. From the total 91interviewed individuals, 13(14.29%) milkers disinfect their hands before proceeding to milk the next cow while 78(85.71%) did not. During the survey, sequence of milking cows was assessed. Based on the response of respondents, 85(93.41%) of the milker did not follow sequence of milking and the rest 6(6.59%) milkers emphasized the need to follow the order of milking. The result of the present study indicated a relatively high prevalence of subclinical mastitis and with higher incidence of one or more nonfunctional teat which impose higher economic loss to the dairy owners. Lack of strategic control measures and improper attention to the health of the mammary glands contribute the higher infestation rate. Better management practices in milking and adequate housing with proper sanitation should be provided.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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