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Comparing the Growth Performance and Yield Parameters of Two Cowpea Varieties (Vigna unguiculata (L)

Cowpea is a food legume very popular for its seeds and leaves in Côte d’Ivoire. This plant constitutes a significant source of financial income for vulnerable populations in rural areas. However, it production remains low in the growing areas because of the traditional practice of this food. In other words, the cultivation technique adopted for this plant is not appropriate, in particular the sowing density. To solve this problem, research work has been undertaken in 2019 and 2020 with the aim of improving the production of this crop. The first year consisted of identifying the most productive variety in a complete random arrangement with three replicates. During the second, the trials concerned the optimization of the production of this variety by controlling the seed density. For this purpose, the sowing was carried out according to three sowing densities: low density (40.000 plants/ha), middle density (134.444 plants/ha) and high density (280.000 plants/ha) in a complete random device with three repetitions. The parameters collected from sowing to harvest and after harvest were subjected to statistical analysis. Thus, it emerges from this analysis that the creeping variety recorded the best values of the growth parameters. This variety could be used as fodder for animal feed. For variables related to production, the highest values were obtained with the upright variety. The yield of this variety is doubled when cultivated at low density. Thus, for the financial and food empowerment of cowpea producers, they will have to take an interest in the upright variety and cultivate it in low density. Please see the link :-


Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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