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Efficacy of Candidate Herbicides for Post- Emergence Weed Control in Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.)
Post emergence application of herbicides reduced weed growth, enhanced kenaf agronomic traits and fibre yield. A study was conducted to...
Growth and Yield of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) as Influenced by Different Levels of Kalli Organic
Aims: To determine the effect of Kalli organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of radish. Study Design: The experimental design used...
Improving Maize Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency Using Spectral Properties of Leaves for Need-based
There is a spiral increase in maize consumption in Ghana due to high population growth and changing consumer preferences. However, maize...
A Short Review on the Halotolerant Green Microalga Asteromonas gracilis Artari with Emphasis on Its
The halotolerant green single-celled Asteromonas gracilis isolated from the hypersaline saltern ponds of Messolonghi, Greece, was kept in...
Economics of Different Intercropping Systems of Maize under Mycorrhizal Inoculation and Different Fe
A field experiment was conducted in order to evaluate the economics of different intercropping systems of maize under mycorrhizal...
Case Report: The Effect of Pentazocine Abuse in a Female Sickle Cell Disease Patient in Calabar, Sou
Background: Pentazocine is a synthetic opioid analgesic with mixed receptor activities. It acts as a partial agonist at the µ-receptor as...
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Self-medication among Pharmacy Students in North Cyprus
Aim: The aim of our study is to assess the attitude, knowledge and practice of self-medication among fifth year Pharmacy Students at Near...
Physician’s Knowledge on X-ray Exposure from CT Scans in a Moroccan Hospital
Background: Computed tomography (CT) is a major source of ionizing radiation exposure in medical diagnostic. Patients more exposed...
Safety and Efficacy Profile of CSE-1034 as a Prolonged De-escalation Therapy in Prosthetic Joint Inf
Background: Although rare, infection is considered to be most dreadful of the prosthetic related complications resulting in repeated...
Evaluation of Acute Painful Episodes with Foetal Hemoglobin Level and Other Haematological Parameter
Introduction: Heterogeneity in sickle cell anaemia manifestations ranges from near asymptomatic cases to severe illness. Objective: This...
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