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Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract Extends Lifespan and Ameliorate HAART Drug-Induced Locomotor..........
Effect of Weed Management Practices on Weed Growth and Yield of Greengram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilcze
Genetic and Biochemical Studies of Thymelaea hirsuta L. Growing Naturally at the North Western Coast
Mycobacterium Avium Complex Presenting as a Lung Mass, Broncho-pleural Fistula and Empyema in an....
Spatial Analysis of the Mode of Management and Conflicts of Use of Water Resources in the Watershed
The Effects of Garlic Extract on the Proximate Composition and Microbial Load of Hot and Cold-Smoked
Development and Performance Evaluation of Irish Potato Peeling Machine | Journal of Engineering.....
Effects of the Inclusion of Andrographis paniculata Leaf on the Functional Properties and Pasting...
C-Reactive Protein to Albumin Ratio Versus Coronary Artery Ectasia as Predictors of No-reflow After
Nutritional Benefit, Acceptability and Safety of Cookies from Blanched Coconut and Wheat Flour