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Curvatures of the Factorable Hypersurface | Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science
In four-dimensional Euclidean space, the curvatures of a factorable hypersurface are presented. Some relations on the factorable...
Effect of Different Organic Manures on the Growth and Yield of Water melon (Citrullus Ianatus) | ..
To compare the effect of different applications of organic manures on the growth and yield of water melon, field experimental trials were...
Online Learning Using Google Classroom: Undergraduate Medical Students and Paediatric Residents ...
Schools in Nigeria were shut down and lectures stopped altogether. The capacity of the Nigerian educational environment to carry out...
Influence of Antioxidant Supplementation on High Fat Diet-Streptozotocin (HFD-STZ) Induced Type 2...
The effect of antioxidant supplementation on type 2 diabetes mellitus in Wistar albino rats produced by a high fat diet and...
Impact of Aluminium on Nutrient Profile of Soil under Various Genotypes of Garden Pea | ...
The goal of this study was to see how Al affected the nutritional profile of soil produced with different pea cultivars. Two resistant...
Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes for...
Character association studies help in assessing the relationship among yield and its components to enhance the selection utility. In view...
Planned Behavior in Overcoming Cognitive Dissonance in Ritual Activities of Homecoming (Case Study..
In Indonesia, returning home has become a national custom. A motorcycle is one kind of transport for homecoming. Homecoming on a...
Screening of Laccase Producing Fungi Using Agro-Wastes under Different Cultural Conditions | ....
The ability of fungal isolates to produce laccase was examined in this investigation. Laccase production was determined in fungi cultures...
Seismic Analysis of Simply Supported Damped Rayleigh Beams on Elastic Foundation | Asian Research ..
The flexural analysis of a simply supported damped Rayleigh beam subjected to dispersed loads and with damping due to transverse...
Knowledge, Perception and Consumption of Organic Foods in Dhaka City, Bangladesh | Asian Journal...
Background: Food consumption trends are rapidly altering these days. Consumers are interested about the nutritional worth of food and...
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