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Determinants of Delayed Presentation of Patients with Primary Malignant Musculoskeletal Tumours
Background: Malignant musculoskeletal tumours are relatively uncommon tumours, with frequent delays in diagnosis and therapy....
Molecular Characterization of blaCTX-M, blaTEM and blaSHV Beta Lactamases Produced by Uropathogens..
Background: The purpose of this prospective investigation was to determine the frequency with which ESBL-producing bacteria were isolated...
Patterns of Hepatitis B Virus Infection Serologic Markers among Blood Donors at a Tertiary .........
The purpose of this research was to determine the patterns of hepatitis B virus infection serologic indicators among blood donors at a...
Study of Different Factors Associated with Completion of Continuum of Care for Maternal Health Servi
Background: The term "continuum of care" for maternal, newborn, and child health usually refers to the care provided during pregnancy,...
Assessment of Groundwater Potentials at Ishielu L. G. A. of Ebonyi State, Nigeria| Asian Journal....
The survey's overall goal is to identify saturation zones in the research area in order to construct an electric-powered underground...
Re-establishing New Normality as We Return to Orthodontic Office| Asian Journal of Dental Sciences
The SARS-Cov2 virus causes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), a contagious disease. Early in 2020, it became a global pandemic,...
Difficult Surgical Aspect of a Compressive Hemangioma of the Cavernous Sinus in a Neurosurgical ....
Sinuses cavernous Hemangiomas (CSH) are uncommon benign extra-axial tumours that primarily affect women in their forties and fifties....
Deeper, Larger, More Common: Cryptic Coral Species Podabacia Benefits from Reef Recovery| Annual....
In West Sumatra, Indonesia, a 20,000-hectare protected area (MPA Pulau Pieh) was established in 2000, and the partial reef recovery is...
Cladode Pruning Affects Yield and Fruit Quality of ‘Roja Lisa’ Cactus Pear [Opuntia ficus-indica....
The initial effect of experimental pruning (EP) or grower's pruning (GP) of cactus pear fruiting cladodes on fruit yield (FY), fruit size...
Queue Management during Health Pandemics: A Queuing Theory Perspective| Asian Journal of Research...
The era of coronavirus has necessitated long-term social separation measures to prevent the viral sickness from spreading. Healthcare...
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