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Physico-chemical Evaluation of Different Cultivars of Guava under Gird Region of Madhya Pradesh
The present survey was conducted in the University Laboratory, RVSKVV, Gwalior, MP, India all the while the period of February, 2020 to...
Rhizobacteria-Based Biostimulant Mixture Effect on Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Greenhouse and
This study aims to enhance the improvement of the chickpea agri-foodstuff industry and fit it to future challenges. For this, the effect...
Assessment of Method and Application Schedule of Fertilizer N and K on Growth and Productivity
Present search was carried out at Regional Research Station, Uchani (Karnal) of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India all the...
Quality of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as Influenced by Different Nutrient Management
The field experiments were attended at the Research Farm of AICW&BIP, Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural...
Morphology of Hoya megalaster Warb. Ex K. Schumann & Lauterb and Hoya pachyphylla Warb. Ex K.
New Guinea is individual the mega-various regions of the realm and a host to 6% of the world’s biodiversity. Recently, land clearance and...
Accumulation of Heavy Metals by Some Aquatic Macrophytes in Two Streams along the Tiko-Douala Highwa
Aims: This study was proposed at deciding the ecological well-being of two roadside streams across the Tiko-Douala artery, Cameroon, and...
Trends in Hydroponics Practice/Technology in Horticultural Crops: A Review
Currently, raising animals, a soilless production method, promises to give high quality, nutritious, new, residue-free crops, defeating...
Underutilized Nutrient Rich Millets: Challenges and Solutions for India's Food and Nutritional
The output of the rice and wheat gardening system is immediately fast approaching stability, still the fact that the green shift assisted...
Estimation of Genetic Variability for Yield and Yield Attributing Traits in Dolichus Bean
Dolichos grain is an indigenous edible part of plant grown as salad (Lablab purpureus var. typicus) and pulse (Lablab purpureus var....
Studies on the Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Leaf Nutrient Status and Enzymes
An experiment was attended in two varieties of beverage viz., Assam jat and ATK clone at Parry Agro Industries Ltd., Valparai, Coimbatore...
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