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Effect of Sitagliptin and Glimepiride on Pancreatic Beta-Cells during the Treatment of Type-2 ..
The aim of the study was to see how Sitagliptin and Glimepiride worked together to increase pancreatic beta-cells in T2DM patients. Beta...
Hydraulic Fracture Geometry Modeling Techniques for Extracting Unconventional Reservoirs | ..
This research aims to provide a thorough examination of all hydraulic fracture geometry simulation techniques used in traditional and...
Accuracy of Combined Measure of Serum Uric Acid and Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (β hCG) ..
Background: It has been suggested that measuring a range of molecular, biochemical, and biophysical markers in pregnancy involved in the...
Association between Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Breast Cancer: A Review | Asian Research ..
The aim of this study is to learn more about polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common endocrine disorder that affects women of...
An Overview of Methods of Extraction, Isolation and Characterization of Natural Medicinal Plant ..
Traditional community use of herbal plants is very common, and they contribute to plant biodiversity and conservation.Natural products...
Assessment of Ground Water Quality (A Case Study of Mando, Igabi Local Government Area, Kaduna..
This study examines the quality of ground water in the Mando area of Kaduna State's Igabi Local Government Area. A total of twenty (20)...
Marketing Strategies of Leading Cotton Seed Companies in Telangana State | Asian Journal of ..
Any organization's long-term strategic plan with the underlying goal of gaining a sustainable competitive advantage through understanding...
Assessing Effects of Business Innovations on Financial Performance of Small and Medium-sized ..
Despite the fact that small and medium-sized businesses have a huge positive effect on economic development and job creation, small...
Functional and Physicochemical Properties of Turmeric Powder as Affected by Processing Methods | ..
Before being used, turmeric rhizomes are exposed to a number of conditions during processing, including boiling, frying, blanching, and...
Serum Creatinine can be Reduced by Applying Homeopathic Medicines according to the Symptom ..
Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) with high serum creatinine has been a focus of clinical and epidemiological research in...
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