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On the Estimation of Variance of Calibration Regression Estimators with Multiple Auxiliary ..
The principle of calibration estimators is introduced to Statistical Regression Estimation in this paper, and a multivariate calibration...
Evaluating the Agreement between the Twin-Block Appliance and a New Low-Cost Arch Development ...
The primary goal of this study is to compare the growth of mandibular length by contrasting the effectiveness of a new low-cost arch...
On the Improvement of Multivariate Ratio Method of Estimation in Sample Surveys by Calibration ...
Deriving a variance estimator that accepts more than two auxiliary variables is the most difficult constraint of ratio estimation. The...
Covid-19: Socio-Economic Implications and Effect of Government Policy Initiatives on Developing..
Using a pragmatist methodology and mixed method analysis, this study explores the socio-economic effects and impact of government policy...
Coworking Spaces in Germany during the Covid-19 Crisis Utilized for Homeoffice and Homeschooling |..
Aims: To capture the perceptions of coworking space (CWS) users during the covid-19 crisis in terms of operation, physical proof, and...
Performance Efficiency Evaluation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Application in..
Measuring and analysing the items that go into the efficiency of ICT use in HRM has become one of the main goals for researchers and...
Effect of Sustainability Reporting on Economic Value Added of Manufacturing Firms Listed on..
The impact of sustainability reporting on the economic value added of manufacturing firms listed on the Nigeria Stock Exchange was...
Analysis of Institutional Factors Affecting Optimization of Coffee Yields in Chuka Sub-County, ..
Because of its contribution in developing countries in areas such as job development and foreign exchange, coffee production has a...
Farmers Attitude towards Use of Trichocompost | Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension,Economics..
The aim of this study was to assess farmers' attitudes toward Trichoderma usage, to define and explain the socioeconomic characteristics...
Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Glyphosate-Induced Residues in Muscles of Juvenile Catfish (Clarias ..
Aims: This research looked at the acute toxicity of glyphosate and its long-term effects on the muscles of juvenile Clarias gariepinus...
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