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Performance Efficiency Evaluation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Application in H
With the things that go towards the efficiency of ICT usage in HRM, measuring and evaluating have become one of the key goals for...
Effect of Sustainability Reporting on Economic Value Added of Manufacturing Firms Listed on Nigeria
The impact of sustainability reporting on the economic value added of manufacturing firms listed on the Nigeria Stock Exchange was...
Analysis of Institutional Factors Affecting Optimization of Coffee Yields in Chuka Sub-County, Thara
Because of its contribution in developing nations in sectors such as job development and foreign exchange, coffee production has a...
Farmers Attitude towards Use of Trichocompost | Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics &
The goal of this study was to examine farmers' attitudes toward Trichoderma use, to identify and define the socioeconomic features of...
Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Glyphosate-Induced Residues in Muscles of Juvenile Catfish (Clarias garie
Aims: This research looked at the acute toxicity of glyphosate and its long-term effects on the muscles of juvenile Clarias gariepinus...
Effect of Sitagliptin and Glimepiride on Pancreatic Beta-Cells during the Treatment of Type-2 Diabet
The goal of the trial was to see how Sitagliptin and Glimepiride worked together to improve pancreatic beta-cells in T2DM patients. Beta...
Hydraulic Fracture Geometry Modeling Techniques for Extracting Unconventional Reservoirs | Journal o
This research attempts to give a thorough examination of all hydraulic fracture geometry modelling approaches used in conventional and...
Accuracy of Combined Measure of Serum Uric Acid and Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (β hCG) Versus
Background: It has been proposed that measuring a variety of biological, biochemical, and biophysical indicators in pregnancy implicated...
Association between Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Breast Cancer: A Review | Asian Research Journal o
The goal of this study is to learn more about polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a prevalent endocrine condition that affects women of...
An Overview of Methods of Extraction, Isolation and Characterization of Natural Medicinal Plant Prod
Traditional community use of herbal plants is very important, and they contribute to plant biodiversity and conservation. Natural...
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