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Suitability of Oyster Mushroom Species for Cultivation in the Southern Zone of Andhra Pradesh | ..
Pleurotus florida, Pleurotus eous, and Hypsizygus ulmarius were studied in late kharif and rabi seasons for their biological efficiency...
The Influence of Corporate Internal and External Factors on Bumn Share Prices: A Case Study in 12..
The pandemic of Covid19 has had a negative effect on the economy and other industry sectors, including BUMN. Secondary data and...
Productivity and Fruit Quality Influenced by Bioestimulant in Olive under Hot and Arid Environment..
In reality, modern fruit tree physiology is based on using bioestimulants to stimulate plant cell growth and fruit production. The effect...
Women in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (NRM) in Andhra Pradesh –A Status Report | ..
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of women in Andhra Pradesh agriculture, especially in natural resource management....
GC-MS Characterization of Unsweetened and Sweetened “Kunun-zaki” Beverage and Pulp | Asian Food ...
The aim of this study was to use GC-MS to classify unsweetened and sweetened “kunun-zaki” drink/pulp. Unsweetened “kunun-zaki” drink,...
A Critical Study of Quantum Chromodynamics and the Regular Charge-Monopole Theory |Physical ...
The compatibility of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), a strong interaction theory, with applicable experimental data is critically examined....
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Good Oral Hygiene among Pregnant Women in Rivers State, ..
Background: Poor oral hygiene has been linked to an increased risk of gingivitis, dental caries, periodontal disease, and tooth decay...
Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) and Transparency in Government Payroll..
The impact of the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) on government payroll administration accountability in the...
COVID-19 Pandemic and the 2020 Elections in Ghana | Journal of Scientific Research and Reports
The paper investigates the effect of the Coronavirus pandemic on Ghana's 2020 election, which will take place on December 7th. Despite...
A Study on the Fourth Fundamental Form of the Factorable Hypersurface | Asian Research Journal of..
In fourdimensional Euclidean space, we investigate the fourth fundamental shape of the factorable hypersurface. The fundamental forms of...
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